At Betafore, we strive to deliver exceptional services that meet and exceed your expectations. However, we understand that there may be circumstances where a refund or return may be necessary. This policy outlines our standard market practices for such situations.

  • Non-Refundable Services: Due to the nature of our work, services already performed, such as campaign development, content creation, and strategy consultations, are generally non-refundable.
  • Project Management Fees: Project management fees cover the initial setup, ongoing communication, and administrative tasks associated with your project. These fees are typically non-refundable.
  • Pre-Paid Advertising Spend: Any advertising budget pre-paid to platforms like Google Ads or social media platforms on your behalf is generally non-refundable. However, any unused budget remaining at the end of the campaign term will typically be credited towards future campaigns.
  • Partial Refunds: In some cases, a partial refund may be available if we have not yet begun work on a specific service or campaign within a project.
  • Project Cancellation: If you choose to cancel a project before work has commenced, you may be eligible for a full refund, minus any non-refundable fees outlined in the agreement.
  • Specific Terms: The specific terms of our refund and return policy will be outlined in your service agreement. This policy serves as a general guideline.
  • Client Satisfaction: We are committed to client satisfaction. If you are unhappy with our services, please contact us directly. We will work with you to find a resolution that meets your needs.

If you have any questions about our Refund & Return Policy, please don’t hesitate to contact us at or +880 1321 751 171.

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